Unlock Exclusive Savings With MixaSoil Customer Discounts!

At MixaSoil, we understand that our success depends on your continued support and satisfaction. That's why we're thrilled to introduce our MixaSoil Customer Discount program. Designed to show our appreciation for your loyalty and to provide you with exclusive savings on your future purchases.

As a valued MixaSoil customer, you can enjoy special discounts  for every repeat purchase you make. Here's how our Customer Discount program works:

To Qualify

Be a Return Customer: To qualify for our Customer Discount program, simply continue to choose Mixasoil for your cannabis soil needs.

We've got you covered! Here's what you need to do: Send us an email: [email protected] with your name, email address, and info about your previous order. We will then hook you up with a confirmation code for a special rewards coupon.

Once we've verified your details, we'll promptly send you a unique coupon code. This code is exclusively for our loyal customers, so you know you're getting a sweet deal.

After you've got your coupon code, all you need to do is apply it during the checkout process. And voilà!

Apply Your Discount Code

When you're ready to check out, simply enter your coupon code to watch the savings add up and enjoy the benefits of being a valued MixaSoil customer.

Our Customer Discount program is our way of saying thank you for your ongoing trust in MixaSoil as your go-to cannabis soil solution.

Whether you're a seasoned cannabis grower or just starting your journey, we believe that the MixaSoil Customer Discount program will make it even more rewarding to choose our premium super soil for your plants.

Don't miss out on the opportunity to save on your MixaSoil orders. Join our Customer Discount program today and start enjoying the benefits of being a loyal MixaSoil customer.

We have various different items that can be purchased on our website and sincerely hope that something will fit your needs.

We have an array of Growing Products.

Super Soil Mix Kits in various sizes.

MixaSoil Ready Mix Mediums in multiple sizes.

Re-amend kits in multiple sizes.

Water and Soil PH Products.

Vegetable Soil Mediums.